Special Report from the Inside: Everything you need to know about picking the right network marketing company.
When it comes to finding a legitimate home based business where you, the individual actually stand a chance of succeeding, there is absolutely NO excuse for making the same mistakes someone else has already made.
I am going to present some very simple methods that you can implement and put to use towards assessing the character and integrity of any company in this industry.
Of the 30 million + people who have been involved within this industry over the past 20 years, there are plenty carcasses lining the roads, to leave enough hints as to what works and what doesn't.
Approximately 97% of the people in this industry SPEND MORE MONEY THAN THEY MAKE. For most, the journey towards financial freedom and independence is a tricky one. Like most who decide to embark on such travels, they usually discover that the final destination is a far deeper financial loss than they started out in.
Here is what you have to show for your efforts: maxed out credit cards, houses mortgaged to the hilt, personal and professional frustrated, and just flat broke! This is and should be a very loud wake up call. The odds are already stacked against you in this industry, and the chances of you succeeding on your own are tough enough. Not to mention that you are swimming with hundreds of sharks looking to prey on you, your dreams, and your wallet.
I have had the privilege of working with hundreds and hundreds of individuals just like you. Optimistic hopeful people, all with their fingers crossed that they too will discover the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Countless hours spent teaching, coaching, and training them how to set up and run their own successful businesses from home. You could almost say that I have seen it all.
I have worked with doctors, lawyers, truck drivers, nurses, stay-at-home moms, CEOs, and corporate executives. Just to name a few. I have seen all types of people, from all walks of life; both fail and succeed in this industry.
Let me ask you a few questions: How long have you been an "outsider" looking in at this industry? How long have you wondered if it was really possible to build your own business, and finally get paid what you are worth? How long are you going to have to work that job you hate until you die of stress, old age, or sheer frustration?
Have you been buying into other people's dreams? Have you been subscribing to their money games and schemes while they pretend to be concerned with your success? Only to discover later that their primary objective was to recruit and sell you on their products and move on to the next sucker???
Let's be frank, it is time for a real opportunity! One that will finally pay you what you are worth; one that will instill all of the necessary skills required towards becoming a successful and profitable entrepreneur. More importantly, an opportunity that will arrive without any of the BS!
What I am about to share with you, will not only save you years of trial and error and thousands of dollars, but it will eliminate the countless bruises you will receive from banging your head against the brick wall day in and day out.
I am prepared unveil a few secrets of my success. Keep in mind however, that I will NOT be giving you some hyped up - fluffly -hypothetical BS. Rather, I will present some facts on ways that have propelled me from a manager at a Italian restaurant to be on the way to one of the top income earners in the industry today.
Mika: there is always pressure
12 years ago